In 1987, the toxicity in the Long Island Sound became a running concern not only for the community but for the environment. The sound had the lowest levels of oxygen ever recorded; zero. Animals would find ways to obtain air from the surface of the ocean because the environment was unbearable to live. Animals were dying at a rapid rate and the beaches and surrounding areas would smell like rotten eggs. The Long Island Sound became an area for dumping and polluting rather than for swimming and boating. In the late 1980’s the Sound was getting worse with dumping of medical waste, body parts, syringes and bandages in the waters. News of the Long Island Sound was making its way around the country.

Why Eco-Green:
Living in the local area of Stamford Connecticut, which is finding more ways to be “green” and working towards “saving the sound,” the mission of Nautical Details is to create more awareness and adjusting our everyday lives to be more consciously green. We provide the highest service to our clients and prevent chemical run offs and chemicals within the marina to harm to the animals and the people. With the technologies that Nautical Details uses in their services of boat detailing, car washing and detailing, refinishing, home renovations and also steam cleaning, we use the “greenest” methods possible to preserve the safety and care of the environment. We take pride in being environmentally friendly not only because it is a necessity for our earth but also for the future generations. As the owner and founder of Nautical Details, I want to be able to return the waters to a safer environment so my children and the rest of the community can swim in the sound again without a care.
Garry Dean’s Infinate Use Detail Juice
Infinite Use Detail Juice 8oz Bottle
Beyond Infinity Sealant
Infinite Purpose Cleaner
Universal Stone Canada
Green Glider
Kanaberra Gel
List of Marinas: