We are excited to announce that our company has committed to supporting the cleanup of the Long Island Sound. Ever since Hurricane Sandy and the sewage run off in the fall in Stamford Harbor, we have kicked into high gear and will be doing non-profit events using our new steam green car wash with premium protection and donating 50% of the proceeds to nonprofit groups such as the Rosalia Group, and SoundWaters. We would love to keep you informed so that when you are in the area having lunch at the club or even boating, your car can enjoy some time at the auto spa where she will be pampered and protected. In order to keep you posted on our upcoming events we need all current information from our clients so please make sure we get that from you. We will need your home or business addresses, updated numbers, and new boat information if any. We are also interested in supporting other local events by donating certificates for silent auctions, so please keep us informed if you know of any charitable events we can contribute to.